A rose is a rose, is a . is in a name? a rose is quiescent as . no interrogation what period it might own Even if it would not have the corresponding circle to itAn online word is extremely much the s

"What Is In A Brand Name?"

"What Is In A Brand Name?"

A rose is a rose, is a roseWhat is in a name? Certainly a rose is passive as beautiful no issue what period it might have. Even if it would not keep the duplicate round to itAn online duration is extremely much the corresponding Or so it seemed when investors plunked down nearly $8 MILLION to purchase the Business.com domain. They logically notion the phrase itself would provide them with instant ‘Branding’ But that recognition failed to follow to the nuance expected andthat sector is now only a memory, a footnote in dot.com history,not because it no longer exists, it is stagnant active, but reasonably because it has yet to live up to the bond investors had envisionedThat duplicate news holds true for many of the first avowed e-commerce brand names, like Pets.com, eToys and FurniturecomThe Internet has suddenly discovered that it takes morethan unbiased a appealing expression to make for a successful network siteThe word is important.But it is not the only something that mattersBranding alone does not parallel trafficCustomer Service and Community are far further importantfactors although those move out over timeThat is why online communities such as Yahoo!,http://www.yahoocom/, America Online, http://wwwaolcom/and the premier auction site, eBay, http://www.ebay.com/ are laudable examples of online brand success storiesThey built themselves up from the fundamental backbone of providinga valuable and necessary resource And it is unquestionably not a coincidence that they are furthermore some of the uncommonly few Dot.combusinesses that are profitable companies on the InternetBranding is important but alone it will not provide a trellis sitewith the excellence traffic that it needs to survive over the want haulYour lattice site bequeath dearth to provide visitors with a goodreason for them to visit, not logical once, but to repeatedlyprovide a comprehend of fold that commit move themback for more, over and over again.And without ‘Customer Service’, that is, attending to the needs of your visitors and moreover ‘listening’ to whatvisitors deficiency from you you might as well pack up yourweb site and impartial stratagem games with your computer

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