Making money selling silver jewelry is simple. All you lack is a computer with an internet connection and some radical computer skills, and a suppplier that provides you additional than equitable jewelry

Making $2000 on eBay, selling Silver Jewelry

Making 00 on eBay, selling Silver Jewelry

You entrust be needing a supplier to caters to your specific needs If you want to succeed selling jewelry on ebay you need to own a big variety of items, beautiful pictures, and new products consistently.

Since you would be starting a new business, it would not be doable for you to purchase from suppliers with minimum orders, even a minimum direction of $100 is too colossal for newbies. Silver jewelry costs around $2 and above per piece; depending on the design/make A $100 minimum would later you up with 50 pieces; and what if the items do not secure sold? Most suppliers do guarantee their products, and will refund you for incorrect merchandise Is there any supplier that would allow you to return products that are not sold within a certain word of time?

If your supplier provides pictures, it leave save you a LOT of time, receipt advantage pictures of jewelry requires a advantage camera, the revise lighting, and a stockpile of situation

Further more, if a supplier packages products individually; it would salvage you a collection of case to parcel the products You should be taking a shipment with all the products prepackged, in either plastic bags, or bubble wrap; so all you retain to do is grade them out, implant them into envelopes/boxes and mail them to your lients

You can juicy interest up to 200-300% of your buying cost, ie buying a ball for $3.00 and reselling it on ebay for $10 That is $7.00 profit, from reasonable clicking your mouse.

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If you register 10 rings a day, it would be $70 In 30 days, for a quantity of 30 days, that is $210000 ; minus 10% for ebay expenses and supplementary costs; you would be left with approximately $190000 This is only the minimum, by selling 10 rings / day You can index a heap fresh There are supplementary products too, such as earrings, bracelets, pendantsand more. All of this; and additional are profitable items.

A supplier that allows you to return items that are unsold, is your guarantee to success There is no authentic investment involved, if it does not work; moderate return the items However if it works, build on from there.


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